dr A.Walter 3 lata - Nowy projekt

E-mail: info@psychotraumatologia.com.pl
E-mai w spr. szkoleń: fundacjaszkolenia@wp.pl

Przejdź do treści
Child Adolesc Psychotraumatology
„Psychotraumatologii dzieci i młodzieży”

Szanowni Państwo Fundacja PCP zaprasza na 3 letni cykl szkolenia prowadzony przez dr Alfreda Waltera, Michaela Sic i innych doświadczonych specjalistów psychotraumatologii dziecięcej z Instytutu Psychoterapii Zintegrowanej w Monachium. Merytoryczny zakres zagadnień ma obejmować pogłębienie specyfiki psychicznych aspektów traumatyzacji u dzieci i młodzieży oraz naukę technik pracy psychoterapeutycznej osadzonych w podejściu psychoanalitycznym, behawioralnym, systemowym i integracyjnym.

Child- and Adolescent Psychotraumatology

There will be offered an integrative training in child- and adolescent psychotraumatology (including working with parents and substitutes), which is oriented on working with traumatized children, adolescents and their families / caretakers. There will be combined a relational oriented psychodynmamic/psychoanalytic and behavioural oriented view and practice with psychotraumatology. Emphasized will be a specific approach with regard to an original child- and adolescent- psychotherapeutical way. Therefore all main trainers are trained as child and adolescent therapists (and family therapists) and have experience with traumatized patient over years.

Dr. phil. Alfred Walter (Psychoanalyst for children, adolescents and adults (IPA), group therapist, family-therapist, EMDR, Political Science)
Soz. Päd. Carina Wicke (Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Therapist, Family Therapy, Political Science, Educational Sciences)
Soz. Päd. Michael Silc (Behavioral Child and Adolescent Therapist, EMDR) end of second year

  1. Training in Psychotraumatology (Fundajca) finished or just finishing
  2. There has to be the possibility to work with children / adolescents and their parents over longer time – as therapist, counceler, social worker atc.
  3. Personal requirements (psychic ability to work with confusing and stressful situations with enough ability to look what will happen without becoming under too much innerpsychic stress – first steps of negative capability )

Participants: ca 15 / group one Sunday a month (without july, august) 9.00 - 18.00 (via zoom) = 8h

I - Child and adolescent therapy basics (relational – psychodynamic / relational behavioral)
II - Child and adolescent traumatology basics
III - Child and adolescent traumatology topics
including technique of treating traumatized childes and adolescents and their families
IV - Supervision groups 4 x year (parallel two groups - 2 x in presence)
V - Intervision
VI - Psychodynamic self-experience during part 3
VII - Documentation of 4 therapies / councelings (minimum 10 sessions; each case ca 10 pages) and one of minimum 15-20 sessions (20 pages), last one will be the case of examination (=speaking about it in supervision group)

Criteria of training and certification oriented on
  • Common necessarities of child– and adolescent therapy / -psychotraumatology
  • Curriculum child and adolescent psychotherapy European Federation of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (EPFF) (less than their proposals)
  • Polish regulation (not known until now): Polska Rada Psychoterapii et al.

Topics (proposals)
- Traumatization and family / types of trauma:
  • traumatization in children at different ages /different types of traumatization in different developmental stages
  • transgenerational trauma - anxiety of parents etc. in parents (sexual, violence, projections etc. ),
  • attachment, nonpresent parents, toxic parents
  • early traumatisation / dysregulations in mother-child-relationship
  • innerfamiliar coping trauma by children, asolescents and families – narrations – lies etc.
  • addiction (Sucht) – substances, behavioral …
  • early mother-parent relation S. Hauser
  • violence and traumatisation, groups and victimization
  • ADHD / ADD and trauma
  • autism and trauma
  • trauma and body (neurophysiology of trauma, traumatic memories etc. )
  • psychosomatic - longtime illness – not growing
  • eating disorders
  • grief / lowneness / depression and trauma
  • problems of selfesteem, narcissism
  • selfharming – suicidality
  • divorce
  • dead of parents-siblings
  • violence / violence and media
  • medical traumatization
  • anxiety
  • bed wetting
  • aggression and destructive behaviour
  • sexualization – masturbation,
  • transsexuality and identificational processes
  • compulsive behaviour
  • tics
  • mutism
  • diseases of sleeping
  • pseudodebility
  • migration / escape / war
  • social environment and trauma

- Diagnosis of trauma
  • Monotraumata and complex traumata / relational traumata
  • ICD 10 and ICD 11
  • anamnesis (SORK, psychodynamic …)
  • psychopathological state
  • questionairs
  • child disorder as the language of family
  • diseases of adaption
  • ressources and resilience / significance of sense of ones’ life / demoralization
  • factors of protective and risk
  • neurotic reactions / dysfunctional rules of surviving
  • externalizing and internalizing diseases

  • basic techniques of traumather.
in behavioral therapy …
in psychodynamic therapy …
in others therapies
  • how to make interpretation?
  • crisis intervention in children and adolescents / crisis and conflicts in therapy – crisis intervention (f.e.: aggressive and sexualized behaviour in therapy)
  • helpfull techniques of relational-behavioral child- and adolescent therapy
  • important and helpful techniques of family therapy
  • how to begin … ? first exploration …
  • how to speak about … ( loss etc … )
  • normal play – reinactment – posttraumatic play, healthy play, normal play
  • interpretation of the games / drawings etc.
  • stabilizing ones self
  • how to end …
  • individualization of techniques
  • parental consultation necessary or not
  • EMDR with children and adolescents – an introduction (to learn how it works, to be able to use it one has to have a specific training)

- therapeutic relation:
  • countertransference
  • resistance of children / non responding
  • retraumatization / reenactments of traumatic experience of children
  • which kind of exchange with children
  • proximity-distance of children / adolescents / therapists
  • psychohygienics of therapists – how to survive a session

Main / important literature (to be read)

Internal Reader concerning child- and adolescent psychotraumatology, including:

  • A Walter: Searching unconscious relational patterns. Some Remarks to psychoanalytic couple and family therapy. (2009)
Den unbewussten Beziehungsmustern auf der Spur. Zur psychoanalytischen Paar- und Familientherapie.

  • A Walter: Trauma and Symbolization. On psychoanalytic treatment von traumatized children, adolescents and adults as an open developmental process. (2012)
„Trauma und Symbolisierung. Zur psychoanalytischen Behandlung von traumatisierten Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen als entwicklungsoffenem Prozess.

  • A Walter: Developmental lines of psychoanalytic developmental psychology and developmental therapy. – From developmental disease to developmental therapy. (2010)
„Entwicklungslinien psychoanalytischer Entwicklungspsychologie und Entwicklungstheorie – von der Entwicklungsstörung zur Entwicklungstherapie“

  • A Walter: The therapeutic relationship in psychodynamic Child- and Adolescent-Therapy (2015).
„Die therapeutische Beziehung in der psychodynamischen Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie“

  • A Walter: Psychoanalytic treatment of children and adolescents as a conjoint enacting and dreaming of the patients‘ sufferings. (2016)
„Psychoanalytisches Arbeiten mit Kindern und Jugendlichen als gemeinsam getragenes Inszenieren und „Träumen“ der Not des Patienten

  • A Walter: Playing between psychic latency and the wish to show oneself. Reflections on playing as an externalizing scenic message and relationship in psychoanalytic context (2019)
„Spielen zwischen Latenz und Sich-zeigen-wollen. Reflexionen zum Spielen als externalisierende szenische Mitteilung und Beziehungsinszenierung in psychoanalytischem Kontext“

  • A Walter Psychodynamic group therapy with children with divorced parents („Psychodynamische Gruppenarbeit mit Kindern, deren Eltern oder geschieden sind“ (2019)

  • A Walter: Relational Trauma. An Approach in psychoanalytic perspective („Beziehungstraumata. Versuch einer Annäherung unter psychoanalytischer Perspektive“ (2024)

  • S. Sulz: The Therapeutic Relationship in todays Behavior Therapy (2015)

  • A. Richter-Benedikt: What do adolescents need in the therapeutical relationship? (Behavior youth therapy) 2015

  • M. Silc Behavior Therapy with (traumatized) children (will be written)

  • A. Alvarez. “Zywy Kontakt. Psychotherapie psychoanalityczna dzieci autystycznych, z pogranicza, zaniedbanych spolecznie i wykorzystywanych seksualne” Gdańsk 2021 r.
  • Zygmunt Freud „Poza zasadą przyjemności” Krakow 2019 especially the articles:
  • „Poza zasadą przyjemności” (5-68) (Jenseits des Lustprinzips, 1920)
  • „Ego i Id“ (69-117) (Das Ich und das Es, 1924)
  • „Zarys Psychoanalizi“ (119-231) (Abriß der Psychoanalyse 1939)
  • A. Freud „ Ego i mechanizmy obronne” 2004
  • S. Fraiberg: “Duchy w dziecinnym pokoju” (1975) (Ghosts in the nursery)
  • S. Ferenczi: “Pomieszanie jezykow miedzy doroslymi a dzieckiem” (1932) (Sprachverwirrung zwischen dem Erwachsenen und dem Kind)
  • H. Thomä / H. Kächele „Podręcznik terapii psychoanalitycznej” Pracownia testów psychologicznych PTP 1996
  • D.W. Winnicott „Zabawa a rzeczywistość” wyd. Imago 2011
  • D.W. Winnicott „Procesy dojrzewania i sprzyjajace srodowisko“ (The Maturational Process and facilitating environment)
  • J. Steiner „Psychiczny azyl. Patologiczna organizacja osobowości u pacjentów psychotycznych, nerwicowych i borderline” Imago 20 10
  • J. Lewis Herman „Przemoc – uraz psychiczny i powrót do równowagi” 1998
  • C. Garland „ Czym jest trauma. Podejście psychoanalityczne” 2009
  • H. Utari-Witt / A. Walter: „W drodze na obca ziemie“ (Fundacja Gdańsk )
  • S. Minuchin „Kunszt terapii rodzinnej“ (2018) ( we have to look if it’s usable)
  • L. C. Terr (1991) Childhood traumas: an outline and overview.
  • v. d. Kolk: Entwicklungstraumastörung

450 PLN

  • 4./5. październik 2024  Sobota: 14.00 – 18.00, stacjonarnie, with Carina and Michael via zoom.
  • 24 listopad 2024 r. - platforma ZOOM
  • 7 grudzień (stacjonarnie)

Luty: 9.02. Termin verändern von SV Alle im
Marzec 23.03.25
Kwiecień: 6. und 13. = 05. 04.2025
Maj: 25.05.2025 after congress
Czerwiec: 29. 06. 2025
Lipiec: alle Sonntage 20.05.2025
Wrzesień 28. 09.2025
Październik: 12. 10.2025
Listopwd: 16.11. 2025
Grudzień: 07.12.2025

Januar 25.1.26
Februar 8. Geb., 15.2.26
März 22. 03.
April 19.
Mai 10. 5.
Juni 21. or 28.,
Juli 12.07.
August -
September 20. or 27.,
Oktober 11., 18. or 25.
November 15. or 29.,
Dezember 13.12.
Fundacja PCP
ul. Brozowa 15
80-243 GDAŃSK

NIP: 9570991713
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